2021年4月28日至30日,IEEE計算機協會區塊鍊和分佈式記賬標準委員會(以下稱BDL SC)2021年全體會議暨P3200系列國際標準工作組會議在蘇州成功召開,來自49家單位的70餘名代表參加了為期三天的會議。

會議由BDL SC副秘書長、中國電子技術標準化研究院區塊鏈研究室孫琳主持。會上BDL SC主席、中國電子技術標準化研究院區塊鏈研究室主任李鳴介紹了委員會的願景和規劃,BDL SC副主席、上海萬向區塊鏈股份公司副總經理杜宇介紹了2020年度工作報告,BDL SC秘書長、上海萬向區塊鏈股份公司高級總監郝玉琨介紹了委員會的工作程序和要求。 IEEE中國代表處高級標準經理趙盟參加了本次會議。

會議還為BDL SC執行委員會委員和參與IEEE2418.2-2020《區塊鏈系統的數據格式標準》的專家頒發了證書。 BDL SC的IEEE P3200系列在研的12個國際標準工作組主席分別匯報了工作進展,新籌建的3個國際標準工作組主席分別匯報了標準的設想。


BDL SC將在全球徵集更多區塊鏈相關專家加入,加快推動區塊鏈關鍵核心標準研製,為各國專家開展區塊鏈標準化工作提供更好的平台,以標準為依據打造全球區塊鏈產業生態體系。

如有意參與BDL SC在研標準項目,請聯繫:




序號單位名稱序號單位名稱1IEEE中國代表處26西安電子科技大學2中國電子技術標準化研究院27上海邊界智能科技有限公司3上海萬向區塊鏈股份公司28元寶時代(蘇州)智能科技有限公司4北京百度網訊科技有限公司29競天公誠律師事務所5螞蟻集團30山東新一代標準院6杭州趣鏈科技有限公司31浦發銀行7上海分佈信息科技有限公司32工業和信息化部電子第五研究所8北京好撲信息科技有限公司33比原鏈9清華大學34浪潮電子信息產業股份有限公司10北京公易聯科技有限公司35國網浙江省電力有限公司電力科學研究院11中科扶雲(杭州)科技有限公司36浙江大學12上海計算機軟件技術開發中心37特斯聯科技集團有限公司13易見供應鏈管理股份有限公司38廣播電視科學研究院14四川長虹電子控股集團有限公司39ontology foundation15北京太一云科技有限公司40復旦大學16國家應用軟件產品監督檢驗中心41無錫物聯網產業研究院17北京市交通委信息中心42國網區塊鏈科技(北京)有限公司18用友網絡科技股份有限公司43望衡律師事務所19浙江之江實驗室44亦來雲20杭州雲象網絡技術有限公司45NGD21之江實驗室46昆明理工大學22天津大學47上海奧若拉信息科技集團有限公司23火鏈科技48上海摩聯信息技術有限公司24聯易融數字科技集團49蘇州開博通鏈科技有限公司25浙商銀行股份有限公司50-

附件2:BDL SC在研標準介紹

標準名稱標準範圍主席單位P2418.7 Standard for the Use of Blockchain in Supply Chain FinanceThis standard defines a baseline architectural framework and defines functional roles for blockchain-driven supply chain finance (SCF) implementations, eg core enterprise, suppliers, buyers, banks , Blockchain platform providers and so on. In addition, this standard outlines uses cases and business flows for SCF based on blockchain, and specifies the implementation functional and security requirements.Ant FinancialP3201 Standard for Blockchain Access ControlThe standard establishes access control requirements for blockchain systems. The standard addresses the following access control attributes of the system, including but not limited to: a) Node permissions – the permissions of block generation, block synchronization, block verification and broadcasting, and sending transactions. b) Smart contract access permissions – interface access control, user access control, and hybrid access control. c) User permissions – registered user permissions and unregistered permissions. The concept of role is applied to differentiate the permissions of registered users, which means permissions vary according to the role of a user. d ) Global permissions – user access to deploy smart contracts, and to read smart contracts.Wanxiang BlockchainP3202 Standard for Capability Evaluation Requirements of Blockchain PractitionersThis standard defines the types of occupations, competency requirements, and evaluation methods of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for service practitioners, including but not limited to competency elements, evaluated process, and employment grade. This standard applies to the ability evaluation and training of blockchain and distributed ledger technology service practitioners.China Electronics Standardization InstituteP3203 Standard for Blockchain Interoperability Naming ProtocolThis standard defines a set of protocols that enable Blockchain networks to locate each other's trusted nodes through standardized names. The set of protocols define a naming scheme, an interface for name registration, and the data format that request and response messages use to resolve.BaiduP3204 Standard for Blockchain Interoperability-Cross Chain Transaction Consistency ProtocolThe standard describes the process of distributed cross-chain transaction consistency protocols to enhance the interoperability between Blockchain networks. This standard also describes terminologies, data modeling, key indicators, commit and rollback mechanisms, and other mechanisms needed for the implementation of cross-chain transaction consistency without a centralized third-party.SHANGHAI DISTRIBUTED TECHNOLOGIES CO.,LTDP3205 Standard for Blockchain Interoperability-Data Authentication and Communication ProtocolThe standard provides interfaces and protocols of data authentication and communication for homogeneous and heterogeneous blockchain interoperability. The protocols include the distributed identity protocol , metadata protocol, on-chain proof conversion protocol, and cross-chain communication protoco.Ant FinancialP3206 Standard for Blockchain-based Digital Asset ClassificationThis standard defines and classifies blockchain-based digital assets and different types thereof. Furthermore, the standard specifies terms used with blockchain-based digital assets.China Electronics Standardization InstituteP3207 Standard for Blockchain-based Digital Asset IdentificationThe standard specifies methods and practices of crypto asset identification. The standard also defines attributes of the blockchain system digit asset identification including data structure, data format , and related asset management operation specifications.Beijing Hoopox Information Science & Technology Co.,Ltd.P3208 Standard for Blockchain-based Digital Asset Exchange modelThis standard defines an exchange model for blockchain-based digital assets. The exchange model includes operational processes, data security and information security requirements , and transaction rules. The standard also defines the general technical requirements of the exchange model and describes the entity functions in the exchange model.China Electronics Standardization InstituteP3209 Standard for Blockchain Identity Key ManagementThis standard specifies the key management for blockchain and distributed ledger technologies, including the following: a) Key generation and storage modes that support multiple asymmetric encryption schemes; b) Derivation and use of multi-level hierarchical accounts used by root keys on different blockchain systems; c) Protocol specifications for mutual identity anchoring of public keys/addresses generated between different cryptography.Bytom FoundationP3210 Standard for Blockchain-based Digital Identity Ststem FrameworkThe standard establishes requirements for blockchain based digital identity systems. The standard addresses the following attributes of the system, including but not limited to, digital identity definition, distributed digital identity creation , distributed digital identity authentication, distributed digital identity note (refers to identity credentials such as identity card, work card, member card), data or asset circulation protocols.BEIJING GONGYILIAN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTDP3211 Standard for Blockchain-based Electronic Evidence Interface SpecificationThis standard defines the data format, classification and application programming interface of blockchain in the field of electronic evidence.Zhongke Fuyun (Hangzhou) Technology Co., Ltd.P3212 Standard for Blockchain System Governance SpecificationFor permissioned and permission-less blockchains, this standard specifies a governance structure , governance tools and methods. Furthermore, the standard defines a governance structure and its principles as well as a life cycle management and compliance system.Zhongan Information Technology Services Co., LtdP3214 Standard for Testing Specification of Blockchain SystemsThis standard defines definitions, types, test specifications, test methods and test processes for blockchain systems. Test contents are included for each type of test. This standard also defines the test architecture of blockchain systems, including but not limited to functional testing, performance testing, security testing, stability testing, and compliance testing.China Electronics Standardization InstituteP3215 Standard for Consensus Framework for Blockchain SystemThis standard describes a consensus framework for a blockchain system to ensure that the state data of the blockchain is consistent in the distributed network environment. It mainly includes the definition of the consensus mechanism of the blockchain, the protocol standards to be followed, the types of consensus algorithm and application scenarios.Neo GlobalP3216 Standard for Blockchain Service Capability EvaluationThis standard defines a framework of service capability which includes the technology, human resource and qualifications of the entity and provides a set of indicators for the evaluation of service capability. It also proposes evaluation methods for the blockchain industry.China Electronics Standardization InstituteP3217 Standard for Application Interface Specification for Blockchain SystemsThe standard defines an application programming interface (API) collection and data transmission format between the chain layer and the application layer in a blockchain system, and standardizes the string, encoding, and request response format of the API. The standard specifies intrusion prevention, malicious code prevention, trusted execution of programs, data integrity, data confidentiality, access control, and management systems .Tree Graph Blockchain Research Institute


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