PANews reported on March 16 that Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov has been allowed to leave France for Dubai, according to The block. Durov was initially arrested by the French National Anti-Fraud Office last August, which detained him at the airport and subsequently charged him with "participating in the dissemination of child pornography on text messaging applications and other crimes such as drug trafficking," and placed him under judicial supervision and required him to stay in France. Perhaps affected by this news, Toncoin (TON) rose 20%.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov allowed to leave France for Dubai, TON rises 20%
- 2025-03-16
Toncoin open interest surges 67% in the past 24 hours
- 2025-03-16
Market: TON increased by 2.97% in the day, while W decreased by 3.67% in the day
- 2025-03-16
North Dakota warns of cryptocurrency scam offering fake 'investment education'
- 2025-03-15
TON Foundation confirms Pavel Durov has obtained his passport
- 2025-03-15
Telegram founder Pavel Durov allowed to leave France and move to Dubai
- 2025-03-15
Market: ZRO rose 5.05% during the day, and NOT fell 5.49% during the day