PANews reported on March 23 that according to News.bitcoin, according to a study by Atmos, the UAE is the world's number one crypto-friendly country with a score of 98.4, slightly higher than Singapore (97.5), which ranks second. The United States scored 85.4 and ranked third.

The study shows that the United States, which ranks third, has 29,834 ATMs, while the UAE has only one. Nevertheless, the UAE's 25.3% cryptocurrency ownership rate coupled with a 210% adoption rate is enough to secure it the top spot. Canada, which has the second-highest number of Bitcoin ATMs (3,561), ranks fourth with a total score of 72. This score is attributed to its 10.1% cryptocurrency ownership rate and 225% adoption rate. In Turkey, cryptocurrency ownership ranks third (19.3%) due to economic uncertainty caused by currency devaluation. However, the country's lower adoption rate, coupled with the scarcity of Bitcoin ATMs (7), resulted in the country's score of 67.8, making it the fifth most crypto-friendly country.