PANews reported on November 28 that Telegram founder Pavel Durov said in his personal TG channel: "Major Mini Program is one of my favorite success stories of Telegram ecosystem. Launched by 27-year-old entrepreneur Roxman, Major has earned more than $10 million in revenue and 70 million users in just 5 months. I like Major because it can quickly adopt new possibilities of the mini program platform and add features that feel naturally belong to Telegram. I also like Roxman, and I have been following him before he launched Fabrika and Major. Roxman generously donated 1% of the MAJOR tokens to me, and I will not sell these tokens in the next 10 years. I heard that the Major team is preparing many innovations (such as username NFT leasing and digital IDs). Tomorrow is a big day for them. The MAJOR token will be listed on six major exchanges. Wish them good luck."
Telegram founder: Received 1% of MAJOR donated by Major founder, will not sell it in the next 10 years
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Malaysian regulator orders Bybit to shut down local operations and cease related services
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