PANews reported on January 2 that according to Techcrunch, Telegram has released its first update this year, adding a third-party-supported account verification method, a new message search filter, and the ability to convert gifts into NFTs. Accounts verified by a third party will display a unique new logo instead of the traditional blue check mark. Telegram pointed out in a blog post: "This decentralized additional verification platform can effectively prevent fraud, reduce misinformation, and set a new security benchmark for social platforms with a unique proactive solution."

Telegram has also introduced a way to turn gifts into NFTs with custom backgrounds and icons. Users can give gifts by spending Telegram Stars, which can be purchased through in-app purchases or on the Fragment website after connecting a TON crypto wallet. Telegram said that users will be able to trade these NFTs on different platforms. It is worth noting that in order to cover blockchain transaction fees, Telegram will charge users for upgrading gifts to collectibles. Telegram also uses cryptocurrency to provide creators with monetization methods and as a payment method for games and mini-apps on the platform.

The company also rolled out emoji reactions for service messages, such as when someone joins a group, and new search filters for private chats, group chats, and channels.