Euterpe monthly report in April

To our community, thank you for your continuous support. The following is an update of the Euterpe project.

New Team Member

Former Chief Representative of Alibaba Entertainment US Office and Manager at Warner Bros. Tech Ops, Mr. Woody Mu, has joined Euterpe as an Strategic Advisor. With the addition of Mr. Mu, we will accelerate Euterpe’s business development and continuous growth in the future.

Euterpe monthly report in April


1. We have further optimized the decentralized attributes of Euterpe, adding functions such as connections to metamask (work in progress).

2. We are optimizing user experience and added the functionality of credit card payment (work in progress).

3. We updated the design of our SocialFi mechanism, adding game attributes to improve playability.

4.Performance: improved system performance by reducing delay through paging, caching, etc.

5. Hailstorm testing and operation processes optimization.


On April 2, Euterpe’s CFO was invited to give a speech on the topic of “The Post-COVID Trend of Entrepreneurship and Investment” at the session hosted by UpHonest Capital, sharing his experience of startup and investment in the US.

On April 5, Euterpe CFO published the book Global Pro Bono: Causes, Context, and Contestation as a contributor. The book was published by Cambridge University and was selected in the Cambridge Studies in Law and Society Series.

On April 6, Euterpe CEO was invited as a speaker to discuss on the topic of “Paths to Understanding IP challenges in China” at Haas School of Business. He emphasized the importance of intellectual property in facilitating innovation, creativity and investment.

On April 7, Euterpe CEO was invited to speak about crypto law at the prestigious Stanford conference “CodeX FutureLaw 2022” sponsored by The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. The conference has featured blockchain leaders in the past, including Katie Haun, the partner of a16z.

Euterpe monthly report in April

On April 9, Euterpe’s COO was invited to give a TED talk at Stanford Graduate School of Business. She proposed that society should redesign the social safety net for all workers.

On April 1, the Euterpe team attended the NFTLA conference. The concept of IP-powered NFT as a Service was a hit among the audience.

On April 1, Euterpe co-presented the SATELLITE NFTLA Events. Andrew Yang, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, made remarks at the closing party.

Euterpe monthly report in April

On April 8, Euterpe was invited by Fenbushi Capital, a famous venture capital dedicated to building world class blockchain companies, to attend the AMA with the theme of “The Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs” in the Twitter space.

Euterpe monthly report in April

On April 19, CindyCreation community invited Euterpe CFO to conduct an AMA watched by 10,000 people.

On April 26, EinsteinYipie community invited Euterpe CFO to conduct an AMA watched by 10000 people.

Media Coverage

“NFTs Combined with IP Rights Can Guarantee a New Future for Creators in Africa and Globally”

On April 11, several evaluation agencies released independent assessment result of Euterpe, publishing articles on headlines of major media

Euterpe monthly report in April


Euterpe Asia Club was founded by a group of community volunteers in Malysia. The community volunteers met to brainstorm ideas about Euterpe merchandise.

Euterpe monthly report in April

By the end of April, the official Twitter account of Euterpe had around 30,000 followers. The Telegram group had nearly 38,000 followers, and the Discord server had around 24,000 subscribers. 13 new language groups were added on Discord. The rapid increase of community size proves the effective marketing strategy of Euterpe, attracting many NFT players who are enthusiastic about music and copyright.

Next steps

1. Speed up product research and development, improve user experience, and design more innovative ways of playing IP NFT.

2. Sign more copyright works, and prepare to launch NFTs on Euterpe.

3, Continue to gain attention from the copyright industry, music industry, and the crypto market.

4. Attract more institutional investor to invest in Euterpe.

5. Attract more talents to join the team of Euterpe.

6. Incentivise more fans to speak up for Euterpe.