


Mines of Dalarnia is an action adventure game with procedurally generated levels. Players go into mines to find resources and items in order to improve their skills and gear so that they are able to journey into more dangerous places and fight more powerful monsters. There are different kinds of planets that players can travel to with different kinds of terrains and challenges. It's the player's goal to unlock the secret of the Dalarnia Universe.


The game is easy for players to start with and requires no prior experience in blockchain as it aims to engage a broader player audience and bridge the gap with the traditional gaming industry.


Mines of Dalarnia is currently on testnet. It has over 100,000 unique players and collectively they have generated over 4 million on-chain transactions including collecting minerals, renting a plot and so on.



Could you share more background of team



Mines of Dalarnia is built by Workinman Interactive, a studio based in New York, US. Currently, we have 14 team members in total. Next to 4 developers, the team includes members from all necessary disciplines such as artists and game designers. We can cover all work within the team, which helps us to move fast. Workinman Interactive was founded in 2006, over the years, WM has created hundreds of apps and games spanning the mobile, web and entertainment industries and it has world-class partners like Disney, Attari, PepsiCo and so on.

达拉尼亚之矿是由Workinman Interactive建立的,这是一个位于美国纽约的工作室。目前,我们总共有14名团队成员。除4名开发人员外,团队还包括所有必要学科的成员,如艺术家和游戏设计师。我们可以在团队内覆盖所有工作,这有助于我们快速前进。Workinman Interactive成立于2006年,多年来,WM已经创造了数百个应用程序和游戏,横跨移动、网络和娱乐行业,它拥有世界级的合作伙伴,如迪斯尼、阿塔里、百事可乐等等。


Play-to-earn.GameFi is the trend and there are many projects. What makes MinesOfDalarnia unique?



We are excited to see how the GameFi space has evolved over the past few months and definitely looking forward to seeing more games dedicated to P2E in the future. For us, Mines of Dalarnia aims to engage the broader player audience, particularly those with little to no prior experience in crypto, and bridge the gap with the traditional gaming industry. We want to avoid over-complicating users with the game mechanics and having a very high entrance fee for players.

我们很高兴看到GameFi空间在过去几个月里的发展,并且绝对期待着在未来看到更多致力于P2E的游戏。对我们来说,Mines of Dalarnia旨在吸引更广泛的玩家受众,特别是那些之前几乎没有加密货币经验的玩家,并与传统游戏行业建立起桥梁。我们希望避免让用户在游戏机制上过度复杂化,以及让玩家有很高的入场费。

The top priority for us is to onboard as many users as we possibly can, rather than to sell as many NFTs or to generate revenues. We want to be the first game that players play when they want to try blockchain games.



Metaverse games have been very hot recently. What’s the position of Mines of Dalarnia in the Metaverse world.



Mines of Dalarnia is being envisioned as a ‘first stop’ for metaverse gaming, by providing new users with a streamlined experience. As metaverse gaming is still in its early stages, resources for players are limited and the gaming experience is not optimized. Rather than starting with a completely user generated universe, MoD starts with action-based mining and then gradually expands into additional activities such as crafting, land sales, and enhanced social features.


The MoD team is establishing the 80M USD Metaverse Grant Program together with Chromia and My Neighbor Alice, in order to expand and enrich its gaming universe. Grants will be available for developers building add-ons and utilities for the game itself, but also for teams looking to design standalone games that can interact with the world of Dalarnia.

MoD团队正在与Chromia和My Neighbor Alice一起建立8000万美元的Metaverse资助计划,以扩大和丰富其游戏世界。资助将提供给为游戏本身建立附加组件和实用程序的开发者,但也提供给希望设计能够与达拉尼亚世界互动的独立游戏的团队。


I would like to move forward to your features, while I was browsing your website I stumbled upon your vibrant economic incentives for growth and sustainability. Could you briefly tell us a little more about how your ecosystem works as a whole? Maybe some about the relationship between players and land owners?



Mines of Dalarnia offers these two Roles to participate in the Game. Miners and LAND Owners. However, players don't have to stick with just one role and can participate in both aspects of the game at any time. Miners are focused on improving their equipment by playing the mining game in order to receive resources. During mining they battle monsters and destroy blocks of different qualities in order to find the most precious resources. Their performance decides which rewards they will receive after mining in terms of resources (NFTs) and loot (NFTs). Resources are then used to craft new and improve existing equipment as well as consumables. All these NFTs can be traded on the marketplace.



Now we all love the DAO system and it only feels fair for everyone in a decentralised sphere to have it this way but you went beyond that and developed different types of DAO? Can you please tell us a bit about thedifference between them(DAR DAO, MoD staking DAO, etc.)?

现在我们都喜欢DAO系统,在一个去中心化的领域,这样的系统对每个人来说都是公平的,但是你超越了这个范围,开发了不同类型的DAO?你能不能告诉我们一些它们之间的区别(DAR DAO,MoD staking DAO,等等)?


The vision for Mines of Dalarnia is the game becoming an autonomous, player owned experience that is controlled and funded by its community. Governance Features will be available for all token holders and be rolled out gradually once the development team has established its core vision for the game. Initially, the governance structure will be enforced to decide on in-game rewards as well as staking rewards. Additional features will roll-out once the game has matured and DAR tokens are more distributed. The general idea behind Mines of Dalarnias`s governance model is a multi-layered approach that reflects the game roles while allowing all active players to participate in decisions regarding the game's direction to a certain extent.


Currently we plan to include the following DAOs:

DAR DAO: This DAO will allow every DAR Token Holder to participate in general votes such as Balance updates.

MoD staking DAR: Players who stake their DAR in this Pool will be able to vote on community treasure use

Planetary Staking DAO: Land Owners will be able to stake DAR in the planet their LAND is on vote on aspects that affect their planet such as purchase of consumables that have planet wide effects


DAR DAO:这个DAO将允许每个DAR代币持有者参与一般的投票,如平衡更新。

MoD staking DAR:在这个池子里抵押DAR的玩家将能够对社区宝藏的使用进行投票。


We have even more ideas in regards to additional DAO depending on which additional features we implement. We want to flesh out the Dalarnia Universe as time goes by and this will surely be reflected in additional governance features.



You have quite some unique use cases for your coin, can you please share with us your tokenomics? 你们的代币有很多独特的用例,能不能和我们分享一下你们的经济模型?


DAR is the native token of the game and has the following use cases:

In-game currency: Players are able to use DAR to buy and rent in-game assets on the marketplace.

Play-to-earn incentives: Players can earn DAR through selling their in-game items collected from in-game quests or through winning in competitions. In addition, players that own in-game land plots are able to collect a rental fee by renting out to other players to explore.




Governance: DAR token holders will be able to vote on proposals to decide on the land economy, miner policies and other components of the game development.

Staking rewards: Users can stake DAR for early access to more game features and contents as well as for token rewards.




Can you share more information about the Land plot in the game and when can we expect to participate in the Land Sale ?



Players have the option of either buying or renting plots of land using DAR Token. Players that buy a plot of land claim “ownership” of it, and can mine that plot without paying DAR.They also have the option of putting their plot up for rent to other players in return for some DAR. For miners looking to mine, buying plots of land will cost significantly more DAR than renting (an opportunity to mine on it), but the balance is in that they can always rent a plot in hopes of some financial return.Players that choose to rent a plot gain one time access to that plot (one run) for a small fee (one time run through the procedurally generated level of said plot). This fee is paid to the owner of that plot.


We will launch the first round of Land sale next month. The land owner can earn real estate income when the mainnet launches. Please follow our channel to know more information.



Could you please provide us your next plans or milestones on the roadmap, especially for the product side?



As I mentioned in last question, we are preparing the first round of Land Sale for next month. In the meantime, we will launch some staking events for token holders.


On the product side, we are currently focusing on launching the game on bsc mainnet in Q1 2022. We will release a stand alone client for PC and want to publish a mobile app later the year. In terms of content and features, for 2022 we want to continually add new content in terms of resources, equipment and terrain types but are also working hard on implementing multiplayer features such as social hubs where players can meet each other and pvp matches where players will be able to get DAR rewards for winning competitions.
