
Pak: The Gate To Mystery & Wonder

Where there is mystery, there is wonder.


Artist: Pak

Curator: Coin

Presented by: ArtGee


在疫情仍旧肆虐的这一年中,传统艺术市场受到了极大的冲击与洗刷,艺术家、实体画廊与美术馆纷纷将阵地从线下转到线上,大量的线上展览与网络数字化艺术品涌入观众视野,而加密艺术品的出现为艺术界添上了奇幻的一笔色彩。互联网极大的改变了世界运行的方式,从新媒体艺术到网络艺术再到加密艺术,学科融合与壁垒的消除趋势逐渐盛行,网络文化对于区块链的几次冲击极大的促进了加密艺术品的萌生,NFT 正在为收藏家和投资者创造新的方式来交易数字艺术品。从更广泛的意义上讲,这些创新为数字化藏品令牌化打开了大门,并为创作者提供了许多新的商业模式。


加密艺术品的从无到有对于非区块链行业者是无所适从的。一夜春风后,千树万树梨花开,老子在道德经中有谓之,有与无,来源相同,名称相异,都可称之为玄妙深远,是宇宙天地万物之奥妙的总门。ArtGee 此次呈现顶级加密艺术家 Pak 的个人展览,展览包含艺术家 7 个系列,共 30 件艺术品, 通过 Pak 的艺术之钥为观者打开加密艺术的众妙之门。

In the year when the epidemic is still raging, the traditional art market has been greatly impacted. Artists, commercial galleries and art museums have shifted their spaces from offline to online, thus a large number of online exhibitions and online digital artworks have shown to the audience. The exposure of crypto artworks adds a magical touch to the art world. With the background that the Internet has greatly changed the way the world operates and the development from new media art to cryptoart, the trend of multi-subjects integration and the elimination of barriers is gradually going prevalent. The several impacts of internet culture on blockchain have greatly promoted the birth of cryptoart. 

The big picture is that emerging “tokenization” models, including non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are creating new ways for collectors and investors to buy, sell, and trade digital art. More broadly, these innovations open the door to the tokenization of any products or collectibles that can be captured and owned digitally, and many new business models for creators.

The development of a new form of art is traceable. In this completely free virtual space, the artistic value of artworks is no longer defined by authority. With the common ground of blockchain, people have the right to judge whether an artwork is good or not instead of following those who have great authority in art. 

The cryptoart is at loose ends for non-blockchain field players. A sudden evening breeze brings thousands of pear tree blooms. Laozi said it in the Tao Te Ching, both the ‘unidentifiable and nameless’ and the ‘identifiable and with names’ stem from the same source, but we merely labelled them differently. Similarly, both are regarded as great mysteries. Mysteries upon mysteries, such are the doors and gates to all fantasies and the Universe. ArtGee presents a solo exhibition of one of the top crypto artists-Pak. The exhibition contains 7 series with a total of 30 artworks. Through Pak's art key, we will open the door to the wonders of cryptoart for the audience.


Pak 作为加密艺术界最为瞩目且神秘的艺术家之一,从事数字艺术创作已经超过 25 年,曾与数百个知名品牌与工作室合作。Pak 还创建了 Archillect (Archive+Intellect)(一个 AI 策展人:智能发现并分享全球杰出数字艺术品),Pak 的作品风格偏向极简主义,多是以黑白色调为主、与光影互动的3D 动态模型(动态雕塑)以及互联网交互艺术品。pak 擅长在数学和物理的知识原理上,将其宇宙观以及黑色幽默的哲学观、社会观寄予作品之中,他的作品犹如局部的宇宙沙盘,试图将意识形态上的思考或认知原理视觉化,提供强烈的视觉内容。Pak的作品具备可观的投资价值,目前为止,Pak已售出1,645件作品, 总额已达到8,471,476.66美元(4,855.438ETH) 。

As one of the most eye-catching and mysterious artists in the cryptoart world, Pak has been working in digital art for more than 25 years and has collaborated with hundreds of well-known brands and studios. Pak also created Archillect (an AI curator, intelligently discovers and shares outstanding digital artworks from all over the world). Pak's work style tends to be minimal art, most of his works are monochrome 3D dynamic models ( dynamic sculptures ) that interact with light and shadow as well as Internet interactive artworks. Pak is good at using the knowledge of mathematics and physics, consigning his cosmological, philosophical and social views with black humor to his works. His artworks are like partial cosmic sandboxes, trying to visualize ideological thinking or cognitive principles and providing strong visual content.Pak's works have considerable investment value. So far, Pak has sold 1,645 works. The total amount has reached $8,471,476.66 (4,855.438 ETH).


# 5. Terminus

Terminus Ⅰ

Edition 1 of 1

Terminus Ⅱ

Edition 1 of 1

Terminus Ⅲ

Edition 1 of 1

RTerminus Ⅴ

Edition 1 of 1

# 6. Social Perception


Edition 1 of 1

Sui Generis

Edition 1 of 1

The Argument

Edition 1 of 1

The Meeting

Edition 1 of 1

# 7. etc.

Countdown for What*

Edition 1 of 1


Edition 1 of 1

Möbius Knot

Edition 1 of 1