The past several of Blockchain Project Introduction & Investor Happy Hour was successfully held, we had excellent projects, more than 40 VCs and media friends with us to spend a wonderful and informative evening for each event. On December 14th (Friday evening), EventLinker will organize the fifth Blockchain Project Introduction & Investor Happy Hour, to bring more potential opportunities to the great projects and investors.

經過前四次區塊鏈微路演HAPPY HOUR的成功舉辦,項目方與多家專業區塊鏈投資機構做了深入的互動和交流,激發了更多人投資人的興趣和意向,應大家的廣泛需求,此次EventLinker將於12月14日(週五)舉辦第五場的區塊鏈歡享時光活動,將給大家帶來更多優質熱門項目介紹及專業投資人交流機會。

Please see the short agenda below:

18:30-19:00 Registration

19:00-20:30 Blockchain Projects Introduction + Investors Panel Discussion

20:30-21:30 Networking + Happy Hour

21:30 End of event





21:30 活動結束

We have free limited seats for blockchain investors, please contact the organizer to get the invitation code, we will send you the venue after we approve your attendance.


Please note the ticket also includes the foods, wine and water.


If you have blockchain project to present, feel free to contact Sherry Chen Mobile/Wechat +86 18258056393.

如果有優質項目需路演,請隨時聯繫Sherry Chen +86 18258056393

Look forward to seeing you on December 14th!

Organizer: EventLinker

EventLinker is a professional blockchain event organizer, through a series of blockchain forum, investor meetup, consulting service, media promotion, community building and operation, EventLinker could offer many potential coorporation between investors and Blockchain Projects, to bring more great overseas and domestic Blockchain Projects . More info at

EventLinker,是專業舉辦區塊鏈活動的主辦方,通過區塊鏈會議論壇,投資人meetup,項目諮詢服務,海內外媒體推廣,社群建立及運營,在線營銷等形式,全面對接項目方和投資人的通路,讓更多優質的行業區塊鏈技術應用得以展現。 更多詳情請點擊

Event Recap往屆回顧

1st happy hour.jpg

第一期區塊鏈項目介紹&投資人Happy Hour

2nd happy hour.jpg

第二期區塊鏈項目介紹&投資人Happy Hour

3rd happy hour.jpg

第三期區塊鏈項目介紹&投資人Happy Hour


第四期區塊鏈項目介紹&投資人Happy Hour