Taipei’s DLT101 to bring governments, venture capital and DLT sector together.  The first DLT focused summit in Taiwan.  



Come visit beautiful Taipei, Taiwan for DLT101 which aims to bring together lawmakers, regulators, corporates, and DLT enterprises with a four-day agenda packed with exciting events and an expected 1500+ attendees,


Taking place from April 24 to 27, 2019, in Asia’s friendliest city towards DLT, the summit’s goal is to connect, educate, and empower governments, companies, and individuals by showcasing how DLT and traditional businesses can join forces in a hyper-globalizing  world.



Phil Chen, CDO at HTC

Notable corporates, speakers, and keynotes to include: Amazon AWS, Microsoft, Alibaba, Jason Hsu, Roger Ver, and Phil Chen of HTC.

不能錯過的精彩講者名單:AWS/微軟/立法委員許毓仁/Roger Ver/HTC


That’s the vision, how about the details?


From fireside chats and discussions to VIP dinners with top funds, executives, and legislators, DLT101 will provide multiple highly beneficial platforms for people to share, access, amplify, and improve their ideas about the technology.



Amazon AWS to talk about managed blockchain solutions

The summit opens with a Welcome Pre-party on April 24th. 

DLT101 第一天

歡迎交流晚會時間:4/24 晚上7點


DLT101’s second day will see a Security Token Roundtable & Pitching Session led by one of the event’s partners, Security Token Network, who will share their expertise in DLT and finance.



時間:4/25 下午1點-5點30分


與知名STO機構 Security Token Network合作將邀請STO相關法規專家和STO孵化企業與新創團隊一同分享和交流,並邀請重量級嘉賓Roger Ver親臨現場演講。

The main conference takes place on the third day. It will feature keynotes, panel sessions, and networking opportunities with governments, corporates, DLT projects, and funds.






An invitation-only luncheon with those speakers and panelists will bring the event to a close on day four

DLT101第四天 閉門會議


Breeze Nanshan in Taipei, Taiwan (next to Taipei101)

DLT 101 is organized by BoostX, a growth and acceleration agency that caters to technology funds and companies in partnership with Pentabase, a reverse-tokenization, and STO-focused consulting and marketing firm. Registrations are now open.


Boostxlabs (台灣) 為跨國新創成長加速公司,結合投資基⾦金金和技術公司,團隊成員來來⾃自台灣,香港,美國和加 拿⼤大。 BoostX已經參參與了了技術項⽬目超過10年年,近年年來來更更投注⼼心⼒力力在分散式技術區塊鏈領 域。BoostX已經幫助基⾦金金和公司在全球創造了了超過6000萬美元的收入和資⾦金金。

Pentabase (韓國)

Pentabase是⼀一家專注區塊鏈領域的諮詢和營銷公司。 為分散式技術公司提供亞太地區的超 本地化戰略略。 ⾃自2016年年以來來成為該領域市場領導者和頂級影響者的⽀支持。

Agenda Overview: 議程總覽

● 4/24 - Evening: Opening Party

● 4/25 - STO101 roundtable discussions and pitch sessions / Evening: Binance Charity Night

● 4/26 - Main Event Conference and Panels / Evening: Networking After-party

● 4/27 - VIP Luncheon

Highlights of speakers and participants: 重點參與者

● Corporations: Microsoft Azure / Amazon AWS / Alibaba Cloud / HTC / Sendgrid

● DLT:  Binance Charity / Cardano / Emurgo / Roger Ver / Hedera Hashgraph / Polymath / MakerDAO / GeneOS / CryptoFollow / Cumberland DRW / Panony

● Venture Capital & Funds: Neo Global Capital / Infinity Ventures / Stile / Unicorn Ventures / TSS / WI Harper / SOSV / VSC / Draper Venture Network, Draper Dragon

● Government: Jason Hsu - Taiwan congressman / MOST - Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan  /  Government Official from Japan - Politician who helped write the Japanese Crypto Tax Bill (Pending)  /  Delegate Korea - Members of the Jeju Smart City Initiative (Pending)

● STO: Security Token Network / Coinlaw / Polymath

● Media: / PanNews / Coinpost / Jinse / Cointime / Tokenpost / Blockshow / Cryptograph / Chainnews / TheNews.Asia

● Exchanges: Ace / Binance / BitAsset / Bito / Coineal / CoinSuper / CoinBene / MaiCoin / MAX

Event Website - 

(Speaker and event updates are ongoing, please refer to the website for most recent updates.)

Time: 4/24 ~ 4/27
4/24 - Bithub Taipei
4/25 - Clapper Studio Taipei
4/26 - Breeze Nanshan Taipei

● DLT101 Eventbrite Registration -

● DLT101 Accupass Registration -

● Speaker Application Form -

● Sponsor Application Form -