PANews reported on November 26 that according to an announcement by Telegram Info (@tginfo), Telegram's dedicated auction platform Fragment has begun to enforce the real-name authentication (KYC) procedure, and users must pass identity verification before they can purchase services such as "Star Coins", Telegram Premium or anonymous numbers. The verification process is provided by the third-party service Sumsub, requiring users to submit emails, phone numbers, scanned copies of ID cards, and facial photos. Users can view the authentication status of their Telegram accounts and TON wallets on the Fragment profile page. Currently, the purchase of Telegram Premium and Star Coins through @PremiumBot or the App Store is not affected. Decentralized markets (such as still support the purchase of anonymous numbers and usernames using cryptocurrencies without KYC, but it is uncertain whether these NFTs can be used in Telegram for a long time. Telegram officials have not yet responded to this change.
Telegram auction platform Fragment introduces mandatory KYC, using Sumsub’s third-party certification service
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