PANews reported on November 5 that according to Protos, the Telegram "point-to-earn" game Hamster Kombat, which had 300 million users in August, has now seen its monthly active users drop sharply to about 41 million, with more than 260 million players lost. The game's token HMSTR has plummeted 76% from its high of $0.009993 on September 26 to a current price of only $0.002392.
Although Telegram CEO once called it "the fastest growing digital service in the world", the rough AI graphics and boring gameplay failed to retain players. The game frequently postponed airdrops and implemented a strict anti-cheating system, resulting in 2.3 million users being banned and 6.8 billion HMSTR tokens being confiscated. In addition, Hamster Kombat has also been criticized by the Iranian and Russian governments for its negative impact on society.