PANews reported on January 29 that Telegram founder Du Rove posted a message on his personal channel to congratulate the Chinese New Year. He said that many people were surprised at the speed at which China surpassed the United States in the field of artificial intelligence, but in fact, DeepSeek's success was not accidental. China's progress in algorithm efficiency did not come out of thin air. Chinese students have long surpassed other students in mathematics and programming in international Olympic competitions. In terms of cultivating outstanding talents in mathematics and science, China's secondary education system is superior to the West.
In contrast, most Western schools discourage competition and prohibit the public disclosure of student grades and rankings. The reason is understandable - to protect students from pressure or ridicule. However, such measures will inevitably hit the best students. Victory and failure are two sides of the same coin. Unless the US secondary education system is completely reformed, China's growing dominance in the field of technology seems inevitable.