PANews reported on March 13 that according to Techcrunch, Telegram's self-hosted cryptocurrency wallet, developed by a third-party company, The Open Platform (TOP), has launched new features such as multi-asset trading and earnings for users. According to today's update, TOP said that users will be able to buy, sell or hold cryptocurrencies without any on-chain deposits. This makes it easier for new users to enter the field of cryptocurrency holding and trading. The company also introduced an earnings component for holding a certain amount of Toncoin in the wallet. It did not specify the yield or how much cryptocurrency needs to be held to start earning income. Later this year, TOP plans to add earnings to USDT holdings and launch a loyalty program that will benefit Toncoin holders. The Telegram wallet has also been revamped, with a new navigation bar at the bottom that makes it easy to switch between wallets, transactions, and earnings sections.

TOP CEO Andrew Rogozov said in a statement: "This update enhances the wallet's functionality to meet consumer expectations for an open and broad market. With the current update, the wallet now operates as a full-fledged cryptocurrency platform within Telegram, while remaining as simple and easy to use as ever. We also plan to implement a loyalty program specifically for Toncoin holders to further drive adoption of the TON ecosystem." The new wallet update will begin rolling out to users in March and April. TOP said that some features may be restricted in some countries based on local regulations.