PANews reported on January 16 that CryptoQuant released its user survey report, which showed that Binance is the best performing cryptocurrency exchange in multiple key indicators and ranked first in several key categories. Among them, 53% of the respondents most frequently use Binance as their centralized exchange, 48% of the respondents put most of their crypto assets in Binance, and 51% of the respondents obtained their greatest returns through Binance.

According to the survey results of the global regional market segment, Binance dominates the Middle East, South America and Africa with 52%-72% of users; in competitive markets such as Asia and Europe, Binance also shows a strong influence, with adoption rates of 50% and 51% respectively. In addition, more than half of the respondents believe that Binance has the best network security measures (54%), customer service (55%) and C2C trading platform (59%). 83% of the respondents participating in this survey attach importance to the compliance of the crypto industry, and 32% of the respondents believe that Binance has the highest compliance standards, 18% higher than CEX, which ranks second.