感謝大家關註三元社區最新一期的AMA ,今晚我們有幸請來Katrina Aboltina@KatyRouge

Thank you for your Following to our latest AMA. My name is Sunny and I will be your host tonight! Tonight, we have the honor to invite Katrina Aboltina with us.

首先我們有請 Katrina Aboltina來為我們詳細解答下關於Starly 的問題哈~

1、您能介紹一下自己和Starly 嗎?

Q1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as Starly?

Starly - launchpad and marketplace for creators and collectors to expand economies around gamified NFT collections. Collecting NFTs here turns into an immersive experience with different NFT rarity classes, distribution in sealed packs, limited editions, rewards, collector score and other continuously evolving game-like mechanisms. On Starly owning NFTs is a social experience opening a new kind of relationship that empowers the community.

Starly -為創作者和收藏者提供啟動平台和市場,以圍繞遊戲化NFT收藏擴展經濟。 在這裡收集NFT會變成一種身臨其境的體驗,具有不同的NFT稀有等級、密封包裝分發、限量版、獎勵、收藏家分數和其他不斷發展的類似遊戲的機制。 Starly上,擁有NFT是一種社交體驗,開啟了一種賦予社區權力的新型關係。

I am all things Community and Content person at Starly. I have been with the founding team for ages, working on several projects. I have an extensive background in localization and content creation and management, but - above all - I love connecting with people.

我是Starly的所有社區和內容人員。 我已經在創始團隊工作了很長時間,參與了多個項目。 我在本地化、內容創建和管理方面擁有廣泛的背景,但最重要的是,我喜歡與人交流

2、我們都知道,安全問題是用戶非常關心的一環,Starly 在用戶的資金安全方面會給哪些保障呢?

Q2. We all know that security issues are a part of users' great concern. What kind of guarantees will Starly give to users' financial security?

We follow the best practices in building our site. In the meantime, we are not custodial - you own what you own. It is in your wallet and we do not have control over it. But we use experienced and safe service providers - Blocto wallet is secure and follows all the latest safety needs and requirements.

我們遵循最佳實踐來構建我們的網站。 與此同時,我們不是保管人——你擁有你所擁有的。 它在你的錢包裡,我們無法控制它。 但我們使用經驗豐富且安全的服務提供商- Blocto錢包是安全的,並遵循所有最新的安全需求和要求。


Q3. There are many similar projects on the market today. Have you developed any unique features to highlight your project's strengths?

Starly is very different from Opensea and other renown platforms. Firstly - we offer unlimited support to creators every step on the way of creating collections. Creators also don't have any fees till actual sales - our commission is taken only after sales. All new features we implement are designed to benefit Creators as well as Collectors. A lot of new features in the pipeline, being implemented in the order of readiness - check out the outline https://medium.com/@StarlyNFT/starly-roadmap-4d3566edbaee

StarlyOpensea和其他知名平台有很大不同。 首先-我們在創作收藏的每一步都為創作者提供無限支持。 創作者在實際銷售之前也不收取任何費用-我們的佣金僅在銷售後收取。 我們實施的所有新功能都旨在使創作者和收藏家受益。 管道中的許多新功能,按準備就緒的順序實施-查看大綱https://medium.com/@StarlyNFT/starly-roadmap-4d3566edbaee


Q4. Can you talk about the project's token? What are the benefits of holding tokens for investors? What are the areas of use?

It's been a month since the $STARLY public sale, and we are slowly but surely moving towards full token integration into our platform. Starly will use its token as reward means to collectors - the first airdrop to Top 300 Collectors has already happened, the next round is announced. But that's just the first one - there will be more and more rewards. We have also just integrated the pack purchase option with Starly, soon will add it on the secondary market too.

$STARLY公開發售已經一個月了,我們正在緩慢但堅定地朝著將代幣完全集成到我們的平台上邁進。 Starly將使用其代幣作為對收藏家的獎勵手段——對前300名收藏家的第一次空投已經發生,下一輪已宣布。 但這只是第一個-會有越來越多的獎勵。 我們還剛剛將包購買選項與Starly集成,很快也會在二級市場上添加。

5、我們都知道, NFT的概念非常火熱,您能跟我們分享一下您對nft的看法嗎? Starly 會在NFT 上有哪些動作呢?

Q5. We all know that the concept of NFT is very hot,Can you share your opinion on NFT with us?What actions will Starly do on NFT?

I believe that mass adoption of NFTs is probably closer than it might seem. While Starly moves towards a Collect-to-Earn experience, NFT potential cannot be limited to art, collectibles etc. It has so many uses in store - I think we will just have to wait and see.

我相信NFT的大規模採用可能比看起來更接近。 雖然Starly朝著收集到賺取的體驗邁進,但NFT的潛力不能僅限於藝術品、收藏品等。它在商店中有很多用途——我認為我們只能拭目以待。


Q6. What challenges does STARLY face? How are you going to overcome it?

One of the main challenges is the Creators' communities not being yet ready to enter the blockchain market, therefore the main audience are people already in crypto space. It also mean that communities are somewhat limited to specific blockchains, and while the future of NFTs seems to be cross-chain, at the moment bridging is not possible yet, therefore we want to launch new collections on different blockchains - Solana, for example - not being limited to Flow only.

主要挑戰之一是創作者社區尚未準備好進入區塊鏈市場,因此主要受眾是已經在加密領域的人。 這也意味著社區在某種程度上受限於特定的區塊鏈,雖然NFT的未來似乎是跨鏈的,但目前還不可能進行橋接,因此我們希望在不同的區塊鏈上推出新的集合——例如Solana——不僅限於Flow

7、可以介紹下STARLY 的投資陣容以及合作夥伴嗎?這些合作是怎樣展開的呢?

Q7. Can you introduce STARLY's investment lineup and partners? How did these collaborations unfold?

Good and supportive partners are invaluable and not so easy to find. We have been incredibly lucky to have all the support and guidance from Dapper Labs, who also chose us - just a baby of a project - to partner up for the FlowFest - we hosted the Mystery Pack (NFT from Flow ecosystem partners giveaway during the fest). Another shoutout goes to Blocto - they have been and still are so responsive and involved.

We also get a lot of ongoing support from our investors, like Animoca Brands, Spartan Group and others.

好的和支持性的合作夥伴是無價的,而且不容易找到。 我們非常幸運地得到了Dapper Labs的所有支持和指導,他們還選擇了我們——只是一個項目的嬰兒——FlowFest合作——我們主辦了神秘包(來自Flow生態系統合作夥伴贈品的NFT在節日期間 )。 另一個大喊是Blocto -他們一直並且仍然如此敏感和參與。

我們還從我們的投資者那裡得到了很多持續的支持,比如Animoca Brands Spartan Group等。

8、STA RLY接下來的計劃是什麼,如何持續破圈,持續發展?

Q8. What is STARLY's next plan, how to continue to break the circle and develop continuously?

I already mentioned the roadmap, packed with innovative features to move towards a state-of-art Collect-to-Earn experience. We work to host the most amazing collections, to collaborate with big names and brands, offering personalized approach and experience. Expand on other blockchains and so on. There are a lot of good things in store, follow our social media accounts to be amongst the first to find out about them! https://linktr.ee/starlynft

我已經提到了路線圖,其中包含創新功能,以實現最先進的收集到賺取體驗。 我們致力於舉辦最令人驚嘆的系列,與大牌和品牌合作,提供個性化的方法和體驗。 擴展其他區塊鍊等等。 商店裡有很多好東西,請關注我們的社交媒體帳戶,成為第一批了解它們的人! https://linktr.ee/starlynft


Next, I will leave the time to everyone. Do you have any questions about Starly ? Please ask questions~

1 Q:Hi,your speaking is very interesting, i have a question,can you tell me how to buy nft pack on the platform

Hi, you can easily register an account on starly.io , with Google, Facebook, Twitter or Wechat, connect (or create new) Blocto wallet to buy NFT packs with Flow, or use Metamask Chrome extension to buy NFT packs with BUSD, USDTand USDC on BSC

2 Q:What tokens does Starly support to buy nft? Can I go to opensea to sell it?

Starly NFTs are built on Flow, therefore you can sell then on BloctoBay, or as per recently - on Rarible. More integrations are in works

3 Q:Why does Starly choose to deploy on Flow? Does Starly have multi-chain plans?

We chose Flow as it's an amazing ecosystem with a great potential - and, it's ecologically sustainable (minting an NFT on Flow costs less energy than an Instagram post). We also plan to launch other collections on other Blockchains

4 Q:How to evaluate the importance of user community? Coming soon, do you have any special plans to participate in and expand the community?

We do value our community very much and plan to create a strong Starly DAO letting community make development and financial decisions. We are just at the start of the road and there is a lot of structure to build, but we will get there

5 Q:What are the main development directions of the project side in the future? Is it marketing? Or the development of products and technology? Or both at the same time?

We are indeed working on different aspects of product the same time, not to loose the momentum. Developing product but not expanding community would lead to a dead end I think ????

6 Q:Would Starly issue tokens?

I did mention that we issued token a month ago as well as we implement it into the very fabric of the platform right now, and recently also the option to pay with Starly tokens for packs during the initial drop sales has been enabled

感謝Katrina Aboltina 帶我們了解到很多關於Starly 的項目信息,由於時間關係,今天的AMA到這裡就結束了

Thanks to Katrina Aboltina for bringing us a lot of project information about iStarly . Due to time constraints, today's AMA ends here.

感謝Katrina Aboltina 帶我們了解到很多關於Starly 的項目信息,由於時間關係,今天的AMA到這裡就結束了

Thanks to Katrina Aboltina for bringing us a lot of project information about iStarly . Due to time constraints, today's AMA ends here.

最後感謝Katrina Aboltina來到三元社區,希望未來的Starly 更加強大!

Finally, thanks to Katrina Aboltina Come to Sanyuan Community, hope that the future Starly will be stronger!