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PA日报 · 03-21 09:30
PA Daily | US SEC says POW mining does not involve securities laws; Binance has launched the first batch of voting to delist coinsOn the one hand, the scope of digital RMB substitution should be expanded from M0 (cash) to M1 (cash
Mint Ventures · 03-18 09:00
Let’s talk about STO again: What are the obstacles to the full implementation of the US stock chain?In China, the digital RMB is actually not much different from the current wallet, so the application
金色财经 · 02-08 11:29
The revelation of the fission of the crypto market in February 2025: Pessimists are always right, and optimists always move forwardconfrontation escalates: Trump firmly resists the digital dollar, while China accelerates the promotion of the digital
Foresight News · 02-05 09:31
Deeper Thinking: Should the United States Build a Strategic Reserve of Bitcoin?Bitcoin Reserve supporters are not wrong about Bitcoin’s potential long-term strategic role, they are just not there yet.
DeThings记者 吴天一 · 01-26 02:41
China and the United States look at the crypto industry: With opposite attitudes towards CBDC, will Bitcoin become a key battlefield?Merchants do not need to pay fees to accept digital RMB, which is a good thing for merchants, but if
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PA一线 · 13 hours ago
Li Bin, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange: We are paying close attention to the illegal cross-border fund transfers using virtual currenciesUnstable World" that the State Administration of Foreign Exchange is highly concerned about the impact of digital
PA一线 · 03-21 03:02
Deputy Director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory: Bitcoin is a peculiar financial assetOn the one hand, the scope of digital RMB's replacement should be expanded from M0 (cash) to M1 (
PA一线 · 03-02 08:31
China Securities Regulatory Commission: Carry out the digital RMB pilot in Hong Kong in an orderly mannercross-border wealth management connect" business pilot in combination with market demand, and carry out the digital
PA一线 · 03-01 13:41
China Securities Regulatory Commission: Carry out the digital RMB pilot in Hong Kong in an orderly mannerthe optimization of the "cross-border financial management connect" business pilot, and carry out the digital
PA一线 · 01-17 04:12
Shanghai headquarters of the central bank issued a risk warning on preventing new types of fraud such as "digitalShanghai headquarters of the central bank issued a risk warning on preventing new types of fraud such as "digital
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