PANews reported on January 5 that ai16z founder Shaw said on the X platform that the founder of Swarms did not know how to write code. He tried to warn the public, but ended up being hated. The public liked this 19-year-old high school dropout, and although searching his name on Google revealed a long history of fraud, they didn't care.
Shaw: Swarm founders don't know how to code and have a history of fraud
- 2025-01-06
A whale deposited 5.3 million ai16z into Jupiter for sale in the past 4 hours
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ai16z founder: Hierarchical task network will be integrated into Eliza v2
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Following the main line of AI Agent, how to select potential tokens on CEX?
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Discussing the transformation of AI agents in 2025: Reshaping economic and social structures
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Bitget will launch ai16z (AI16Z) in the Innovation Zone, AI Zone and Meme Zone
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Viewpoint: Why does AgentFi still have 10 times room for growth?