PANews reported on November 29 that Binance warned in its official blog that some bad actors impersonated Binance representatives and created fake community groups on platforms such as Telegram and WhatsApp. Although Binance has been working with local governments to protect users and crack down on bad actors, users still need to be vigilant about such messages to ensure the safety of their funds.
In one incident, an anonymous person named Michael Hewson, claiming to be a Binance analyst, created a fake Binance group on WhatsApp. The scammers randomly invited users to the group and tried to lure them with so-called Binance anniversary prizes. To make the fraud look legitimate, the group owner also shared real content from Binance Academy. However, there were several signs that the group was not legitimate: the Binance images were distorted and not of high quality; there were grammatical errors, missing punctuation, or spelling errors.
Please note that Binance has never appointed any official Binance analysts or representatives to provide investment advice to users, and Binance will never provide financial advice to users in any way.