PANews reported on January 3 that according to The Block, Scatter COO Haiku (pseudonym) resigned from the Milady-themed NFT collection Launchpad and market on January 1. Haiku announced their decision in an X post on Thursday, saying: "My work is done," adding that Scatter has become a sustainable entity in a very strong position, and now other work requires their full attention.

Haiku has been involved with Scatter since the platform was named in November 2021, initially as an advisor and later as an executive. They said that while Haiku will not be involved in decision-making or active projects in the future, they will retain a small advisory role to help in emergencies or when the team needs an opinion on important matters.

An anonymous contributor who goes by the pseudonym Three has joined Scatter's executive team as the new COO. Haiku said: "Three is a brilliant individual, an excellent designer, and a natural leader. During his time at Scatter, he always stepped up to get what needed to be done, led by example, inspired the team, and performed well under pressure. Under Three's leadership, I am confident in Scatter's success." Haiku said they are now 100% committed to the long-term success of the art group Oekaki Connect, which previously created Kemonokaki and other NFT collections.