9月18日,由万向区块链实验室主办的第五届区块链全球峰会“区块链新经济· 新十年新起点”在上海举行。以太坊创始人、万向区块链实验室首席科学家Vitalik发表闭幕演讲。他说到:虽然Ethereum 2.0还没有推出,但规范已经写好,已经接近推出了。对以太坊而言,目前,以太坊网络最多每秒可以处理20到25笔交易。几个月之后,我们希望进行伊斯坦布尔硬分叉,之后交易速度会提升到每秒3000笔交易。这是让Vitalik和业界人士兴奋的区块链行业新发展!
然而,区块链系统一直存在三元悖论:去中心化/权力下放(Decentralization,Anyone can join as validator),一致性/安全(Consistency,All nodessee same data at same time)和可扩展性/性能(Scalability,High throughput;High capacity;Low latency),三者不可兼得。Ethereum 2.0 (也称为“Serenity”) 指的是以太坊核心协议的下一次重大升级,也就是“第一层”(Layer 1) 的几项改进。它试图通过引入分片(Sharding)、PoS共识(CasperFFG)、信标链(Beacon Chain)和新型虚拟机(eWASM)等改进和维护自身。此外,第二层(Layer 2)扩展性解决方案已有Plasma、State Channels、Payment Channels和ZK-STARKs等。
目前,共有9个独立开发团队建设ETH 2.0客户端:Prysmatic Labs、ChainSafe、PegaSys、Harmony、ParityTechnologies、Sigma Prime、Status、Ethereum Foundation、Yeeth。以太坊Github主代码库贡献者数量超过400人。在一定程度上,几乎可以说以太坊代表了基础公链甚至行业的最高技术水平。它的发展阶段、面临困境和探索方向同样是整个行业共同面临的。风起于青萍之末,我们应见微知著。大风是自小风发展而来,大影响、大思潮、大趋势也都是从微细不易察觉之处源发。一叶落而知秋,我们决定推出Ethereum2.0一系列解读文章。本文为第一篇,以太坊/加密行业缩略语篇。DPoS - Delegated Proof of StakeLPoS - Liquid Proof of StakeBFT - Byzantine Fault TolerancedBFT - Delegated Byzantine Fault TolerancepBFT - Practical Byzantine Fault ToleranceiBFT - Istanbul Byzantine Fault ToleranceDeFi - Decentralized FinanceDAPP - Decentralized ApplicationERC - Ethereum Request for CommentsEIP - Ethereum Improvement ProposalDAO - Decentralized Autonomous OrganizationEVM - Ethereum Virtual MachineVDF - Verifiable Delay FunctionBIP - Bitcoin Improvement ProposalSegWit - Segregated WitnessSPV - Simple Payment VerificationUTXO - Unspent Transaction OutputRSK - RootStock SC PlatformUAHF - User Activated Hard ForkUASF - User Activated Soft ForkFIAT - Government-issued currencyETF - Exchange Traded FundFA - Fundamental AnalysisDCA - Dollar Cost AveragingCEX - Centralized ExchangeDEX - Decentralized ExchangeICO - Initial Coin OfferingSTO - Security Token OfferingSAFT - Simple Agreement for Future TokensROI - Return on InvestmentMCAP - Market CapilizationMACD - Moving Average ConvergenceDivergenceRSI - Relative Strength IndexSMA - Simply Moving AverageEMA - Exponential Moving AverageHODL - Hold On for Dear LifeFOMO - Fear of Missing OutBTFD - Buy The Fucking DipDYOR - Do Your Own ResearchFUD - Fear, Uncertainty and DoubtSFYL - Sorry For Your LossSEC - Securities & Exchange CommissionFTC - Federal Trade CommisionCFTC - Commodity Futures Trading CommissionFDIC - Federal Deposit InsuranceCorporationDOJ - Department of JusticeFinCEN - Financial Crimes EnforcementNetworkFINRA - Financial Industry RegulatoryAuthorityAML - Anti-money LaunderingTPS - Transactions Per SecondALT - Alternative Cryptocurrency2FA - Two Factor AuthenticationDDoS - Distributed Denial of ServiceIPFS - Interplanetary File SystemPKI - Public Key InfrastructureMCD - Multi-collateral DaiCDP - Collateralized Debt PositionEEA - Enterprise Ethereum AllianceHTLC - Hashed Timelock ContractVRF - Verfiable Random FunctionDAG - Directed Acyclic GraphSNARKs - Succinct Non-Interactive ARgumentsof KnowledgeSTARKs - Scalable Transparent ARguments ofKnowledgeMPC - Multi-Party Computation 第五届PANews年度评选暨 PARTY AWARD 2025 开启投票!